Contributions with expert knowledge from the world of sport and fitness
PowerBlock - the world's first adjustable dumbbells!
Published : 04/22/2022 | Categories : Fitness equipment for building fitness and strength , Fitness topics - questions and answers from the expertsWorking out with free weights is a versatile training method. PowerBlock combines an entire adjustable dumbbell set in a pair of dumbbells and is thus an indispensable fitness accessory.
Fascia rolls: Getting to the trigger point!
Published : 10/20/2021 | Categories : Fitness equipment for building fitness and strength , Fitness topics - questions and answers from the expertsFascia rolls are an effective and inexpensive way of carrying out trigger point therapy. Tension and connective tissue adhesions are released and blood circulation is stimulated.
How effective is training with a cross trainer?
Published : 08/23/2021 | Categories : Fitness equipment for building fitness and strengthCross trainers and steppers have become an integral part of fitness studios and homegyms. But what are the benefits of a regular training with these fitness machines and how effective is the workout?
Sustainability and environmental protection in the fitness industry - It works!
Published : 05/28/2021 | Categories : Fitness equipment for building fitness and strength , Fitness topics - questions and answers from the expertsSustainability and environmental protection are becoming important issues for the fitness industry. We show you fitness equipment and manufacturers that are committed to your health and our planet.
Exercise with gentle swing - swinging dumbbells create quality of life
Published : 04/05/2021 | Categories : Fitness equipment for building fitness and strengthOur everyday life harbors the risk of injury from simple activities such as gardening or bending down quickly. With effective dumbbell training you can prevent everyday injuries.
Box yourself fit: the effective whole-body workout for at home
Published : 03/08/2021 | Categories : Fitness topics - questions and answers from the expertsBoxing is an inexpensive way to keep fit at home. Because boxing is not only an efficient whole-body workout, but is also ideal for relieving stress.
A workout with rowing machines - glide as if on water
Published : 02/08/2021 | Categories : Fitness equipment for building fitness and strengthIf you want to train your entire body, a rowing machine for the home is the perfect choice. Regular rowing workouts are an ideal way to achieve a high level of fitness.
Staying fit in 2021 - questions & answers on how to build your training routine
Published : 01/04/2021 | Categories : Fitness topics - questions and answers from the expertsAt the beginning of the year, the topic of fitness is increasingly in the foreground. A lifestyle that has inevitably had to be adapted to the current situation also brings new fitness challenges.